Wednesday, August 17, 2005

It's that time of month again...

Haha - gotcha with that intro... not what you think (men! Take cover!), but I can't believe I waited a month to post again, for my 3 faithful readers. If it becomes a monthly post, so be it, but I will try to get back on track. If there are more readers out there, let me know. Leave me a message. It's nice. We're off to go hiking in Colorado for a week, and believe it or not, Mrs. Aviophobia (look it up) is actually more worried about altitude sickness. Many of you know that the day before my engagement in Aspen two years ago, I landed in the hospital with altitude sickness that could stop Lance Armstrong in his tire tracks. I'm not in shape like him, but just pretend you understand my analogy. I was hooked up to oxygen, was told I might need a spinal tap because maybe I had an aneurism, and had to get an injection of Imitrex to rid myself of the headache. Then, the next day I climbed a mountain for an unforgettable engagement... but I digress...

We're out of town for a week with fresh air, 70 degree days and 50 degree nights. No air conditioner to dry me out, no soot in my eyes when I walk around, no fresh smell of urine (I love that phrase. fresh and smell don't have to be describing something pleasant, right?) on the subway platforms, no ringing in the ears from jackhammers and construction. One. Week. Did I mention in the meantime, we are looking to buy a place in NYC and make it home for at least the next 5 years? Am I crazy or do I have an incessant love/hate relationship with this city that I have called home for the last 6? Just how I can't finish one sentence in this post without starting a new one mid-typing, that's how often my love affair with this city changes.