Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Vacationing with Dad

I'm going out of town for 5 days with my Dad. It's something I've never done, and my husband's not even coming with me. I am hoping it will be a lot of fun but also feel like 5 straight days with just the two of us we might drive each other nuts, run out of stuff to talk about, or simply be ready to come home. We're going to take a mini-course/seminar for a week, and in the constant quest to keep my identity somewhat unknown to the strangers to find my blog, that's all I'll say about that.

Off to a 4 year old birthday party (my cutie nephew) on Friday, and still figuring out how not to be too depressed that I'm leaving my husband and dog behind. I hope they don't forget about me :)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Two Blogging Identities

Well, I've changed my template from cotton-candy-almost-too-sweet-to-be-me to a clean, white slate. I also have another blog I'm writing for online, and I'm actually getting paid for that one. The conundrum I face is this: do I merge the two identities -- letting everyone know who I really am? The other blog has my face, my real name, but is purely professional without a smidge of personal detail.

I don't think I'm ready to take that plunge. Having anonymity is a good thing, and to this day I still regret telling a lot of people about this blog (people I know personally offline). I forget who they are sometimes, and I find myself mentally editing before I write to be sure not to offend. What fun is that if I can't be 100% honest?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's all coming together

I haven't written in the past few weeks because I've slipped into a somewhat self-deprecating mode of "What is my life amounting to?" and "What do I really want to DO with my 24 hours in a day other than sleep for about 8 of them?" In the last week I was offered a meeting with a friend (and VERY high level exec at an entertainment company) to co-write a book with her. I was officially offered a position to blog for a web site that is all about my neighborhood. Both job offers actually PAY money, I can do them from home, and both involve my ever-growing passion for writing.

Can I get an 'amen'?