Sunday, April 03, 2005

what is the sound of one-handed typing?

wrist is still in SUH-VEERE pain. too hard to type many caps (or full sentences) with one hand. this sucks. no computer use on this hand for 2 weeks? more? you are shit out of luck when taking two plates out of a dishwasher at one time is too much weight on hand. also shit out of luck trying to play piano at rehearsal one-handed. oh yeah - and the desk job that's 100% e-mailing? fuck fuck fuck. how depressing is this? ok not so bad - in the words of my dad it's more "high quality problem" but i feel so useless. at least it's- right hand - i'm lefty. don't even get me started on how long it took to type this, but being at the computer is a bit addictive for me. or is it addicting? ack - brain going to mush, too.

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