Friday, November 04, 2005

A reminder why I love NYC.

I went to dinner tonight with my husband. We walked over a mile, were wearing long-sleeved shirts and jeans (no jackets) and sat al fresco (ooh fancy words for outside, huh) on Broadway and had a great Italian meal. Surprisingly there weren't lots of horns honking, loud-mouthed pedestrians, and we were 4 blocks north of Times Square and 5 blocks south of Columbus Circle; both VERY busy places. My view was down Broadway of all the neon lights, billboards, spinning advertisements and hotel rooms.

Since we were outside there was only one table next to us, we could hear the conversation (opposed to a typical inside restaurant seat in NYC where you're cramped in and can't hear), and the food was just enough to fill you up and give you that sleepy feel without being bloated and overeating.

How many people can do that for a Friday night meal?

1 comment:

Jaxon S said...

hi there, its your aviophobic blogging friend from's good to hear the food was good.

by the way, i've "revamped" my blog.