Sunday, December 04, 2005

How busy can you be? Damn, I'm shallow today.

Disclaimer: this is a bitchy post; granted - I am a complainer by nature, which is not my best quality, but this one might make you think I'm shallow, which I'm not if you know me personally. It's a really stupid post but just got my blood racing a little. Speaking of complaining, a good friend of mine just told me that every time he calls, I complain about my health, like my back hurts, I'm tired, I don't feel so well. Am I really a negative person?

I have a group of friends that is exchanging Secret Santa gifts tomorrow (well, Santa and Hanukkah, too). We've known about it for 2 weeks. One person said she wants to postpone it for a week because she hasn't had time to get a gift. If she lived on a remote island off the coast of Alaska and had to take a boat and sled full of dogs to get to the nearest store, I'd be fine with it. But no - she lives in NYC and in a very populated area. Our gift has to be under $20. Let's see - she could've bought a candle, jewelry, food, stationery or even a purse all within about a 10 minute walk from where she lives and had two weeks to do it. This person does not deal with stress well (what is a typical day of work for anyone to her is the end of the world) and though Secret Santa is not a big deal at all, I'd like to buy her a clock and teach her time management for Secret Santa. Too bad the person I have isn't her. I bet she has me.


DenimRose said...

If she cannot afford to do it, why doesn't she just SAY she can't afford it. Strikes me like she is trying to get out of buying a gift. Nothing to do with time management methinks. Just my $0.02.

Randi said...

That was my initial reacton too. But as to not bore the readers of this blog, here are additional details. She is shopping ALL day next weekend for family (couldn't commit to a mtg we were supposed to have), was entertaining this week and cooking for 6... so my guess is she can afford to cook for 6 AND shop... I tried giving her the benefit of the doubt :)

DenimRose said...

Hmmm. Sounds like an oxygen theif to me. I HATE people like that! Grrrr