Thursday, April 20, 2006

So um yeah - it's broken

5 days after the hospital visit, the doc called and said they did a "re-read" (what the fuck is that?) of my x-ray and my finger is broken. I go to a specialist who confirms it and even shows me the break on the x-ray, and a few weeks later my finger is still in a lovely splint. But it's a nifty high-tech splint that looks like it was made out of silly putty that hardens to your finger. I am doing way too much typing as it is and am supposed to lay off it. Still ugly bruising and now a nice fat bump on it now that swelling is starting to subside. More entries to come when my finger is healed in mid-May unless I'm feeling particularly feisty to write an entry before then...

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hello neighborhood hospital

Well now that I'm in a new neighborhood, I had a chance to visit my new local hospital, apparently picking one that was actually FURTHER from another one close to me. After jury duty (I was selected and am on a case but can't discuss until it's over... should be short), I left the courthouse, tripped and fell on a VERY beat up sidewalk, and damn near broke my hand. 90 minutes at the hospital showed it wasn't broken, but damn it's an ugly bruise all up and down my pointer finger. Fortunately - my non-dominant hand, but I'm forced into short posts/less typing until it heals! I'm not a clutz I swear - the sidewalk was horrible.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Blogging jury duty

Well, I made it past my 29th birthday and had never been summoned for jury duty until now. I postponed my service until now because before it was smack in the middle of moving. Of course, the post office lost my second form I was to receive with my new date, and so I had to show up at the courthouse at 8am to get a new form. That was the bad news. The good news is there are 6 stations inside the 'waiting' room for laptop computers, and yours truly was here early enough to land one. I think there are more stations outside but I'm parked right by the window (complete with cool breeze) but also next to the men's room. The desk is a little high but the chairs are pretty comfortable, so I'm sure my carpal tunnel-like symptoms will emerge once again by the time I'm done serving.

I'll add updates throughout the day if there's anything exciting, yet I somehow have psychic powers today and know there won't be much to report!

10AM update: still no names called yet. They put everyone's tickets into a hopper and that's how we get chosen. I'm so glad I got this workstation and am not cramped next to everyone in the main section of the room. This breeze by the window is a blessing: they asked if anyone was warm and about 10 people on the other side of the room raised their hands. Suckers. Isn't this the most boring entry ever?