Thursday, April 20, 2006

So um yeah - it's broken

5 days after the hospital visit, the doc called and said they did a "re-read" (what the fuck is that?) of my x-ray and my finger is broken. I go to a specialist who confirms it and even shows me the break on the x-ray, and a few weeks later my finger is still in a lovely splint. But it's a nifty high-tech splint that looks like it was made out of silly putty that hardens to your finger. I am doing way too much typing as it is and am supposed to lay off it. Still ugly bruising and now a nice fat bump on it now that swelling is starting to subside. More entries to come when my finger is healed in mid-May unless I'm feeling particularly feisty to write an entry before then...

1 comment:

DenimRose said...

Sounds painful Alyssa. I broke my little toe a few years back and that was agony for weeks. I still get twinges in even now. They say broken bones are never the same again. Maybe the city needs a lawsuit slapped on them for not maintaining their sidewalks. Hmmmm.

Take care hun.