Monday, June 05, 2006

Don't steal what's not really mine

I arrange music for a cappella groups. I have arranged for my groups in the past, arrange for my current group, and was fortunate enough to break into arranging for other groups and get paid for it. This isn't comprised of writing original songs, but taking another song, doing a "cover" of it, and arranging for anywhere from 4-11 part harmonies. As far as I know, there's no legal way to protect these arrangements, and I'm finding out that members from my old group (both in college and post-college) have basically taken my arrangements with them to other groups. It's an incredibly frustrating situation because there's no legal recourse, I honestly consider these people my friends, but in a way, since I can get paid for this, it's making me lose money. I had to send an e-mail asking all people I've ever sung with (this goes back over 10 years!) to ask them to just ask my permission first.

Welcome to "Super Anal Rentitive" side of me. Check your absent-mindedness and lack of attention to teeny weeny details at the door.

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