Tuesday, December 12, 2006

asshole strikes again

i'm too pissed to dedicate proper grammar and capital letters to this post. my boss fired me. fucking fired me. why, you ask? to make a long, drawn out, and exhausting story short, my wonderful husband wound up working for him as well, creating an incredible project that was worth at least 4 times what he charged. 4 times. this is not an exaggeration; anyone in his industry would agree. the two (boss and husband) are in a somewhat of an e-mail battle over terms. my ex-boss, who i thought was professional enough to keep my job separate from my husband's, was not. his email fired me (what a jerk. grow some balls and do it over the phone) saying 'we've decided to go another route'. he fired me because of tension with my husband. if i had millions of dollars to throw at a lawsuit you bet your ass i'd sue this fucker for wrongful termination, even though i was only contracted out.

it really is a blessing in disguise because there were lots of reasons to no longer work for him, with the #1 reason being he may as well have been paying me in peanuts. i'm glad i didn't write him an email out of anger once i was given the pink slip, because it would've been ugly. now i will wait a week and then tell him he has to take a video off his site that has my picture in it. karma's a bitch and it will rear its ugly head on this man soon enough.

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