Thursday, March 17, 2005

15 Year Friends

I have this friend Dave who I've known for 15 years. We went to middle school together, then the same boarding school, then stayed in touch somewhat during college. The last 6 years we've both lived in NYC and I can honestly say (which I told him) that he would've been a bridesmaid at my wedding if he didn't look terrible in purple (and a strapless dress).

It's so great when you hear someone has finally decided to 'decompress' (aka "leaving a 80 hour/week job at Goldman Sachs after 7 years") to discover what he's been put on this earth for. Dave, my husband and I all went to dinner last night and it was such a simple reminder to be sure to do what you REALLY want to do for a job... he said "I want to leave the world in a better place than when I got here".

So am I doing that by promoting music at the high school level (save the arts!) - definitely - but I still feel like there's more for me to be doing. Not just writing checks to charities, not just giving leftover food to homeless people... I think this is why ever since I left my life-sucking corporate job at a major record label I've been so torn with what the next step should be.

Maybe writing makes the world a better place because I can impart what knowledge I have to others. Too bad (or perhaps good?) that you will rarely, if ever, see anything about politics, current events or religion on here. Those are the futile discussions that go in circles for me... I'll leave it up to the people who are fueled with a passion to discuss those, not a "eew get me out of this conversation" mentality.

If only I wasn't such a huge ass procrastinator with so many things I do (insert fear of failure, rejection and no concept of how long things really do take... which is not that long) and had more of an explorer-type personality (insert insane love for dog and apartment life).

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