Thursday, March 24, 2005

American I-DULL

Don't you people get sick of "American Idol"? How stupid do the producers have to be to assign the wrong phone numbers to the wrong contestants? I watched one season of this show, season 1, then said "I've had enough". Each week, they each sing a song, they slap together some stupid montage, have Paula/Randy/Simon fight, and oh wait! Oh goody! AMERICA gets to pick who wins a crappy recording contract that means you basically sign your life away and have to sell over a million records before you'll even see one cent of earnings.

I was mildly annoyed - at my singing group's rehearsal (oh the irony) we HAD to delay warm-ups so people could videotape this week's show. They almost left the volume on during warm-ups. Are we serious? A group of singers want to watch these Disney-esque fabricated robots perform with waaaaay too many "swooping crane camera shots"... enough to make me nauseated from the motion.

Oh how I despise that show. But - at a rehearsal where the majority of people like it, I just sit in silence about it, which is a rareity for me. Even better - Frenchie Davis (yes, the infamous "I kinda did porn but not really") lives in my building, and she still turns heads! She was outside on a photo shoot with someone and had another person with a video camera filming her. My building has glass entry doors, and they stopped right on the other side of them. Here I am with dog in tow and a giant, awkward package that I had to pick up, and they STOP in front of the doors. I say excuse me, practically nailed Frenchie in her not-so-small ass with my box, and headed to the elevator. They followed me in and continued to film her documentary-style, so I made sure to say my dog's name very loudly and "good girl" so whatever footage that they had would go in the garbage. Luckily I was behind the cameraman. I guess Frenchie deserves a 'good for you' because she's on Broadway... oh wow. I had to check Justin Guarini's web site... he could've been pretty famous from Idol, and look - he hasn't updated his OFFICIAL web site in over 7 months.

Wow, I never realized how much I hate that show. Maybe I just love to hate it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like watching it because it's like auditions. Pretty much I shout at the television that everyone sucks and I have a good time.