Wednesday, July 20, 2005


We have finally finished mixing and mastering our CD that was started (recorded) in January 2005. Thank heavens I'm not on the committee to do the layout, because I can sit back and say "not my problem" when weeks go by without a design. I feel really proud of what we created. Granted, I'm not the engineer with the technical skills, but I spent many hours mixing and re-recording to get an incredible CD, and I can't wait to hear the public's (i.e. our friends and family) reaction.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rockstar: INXS

I'd normally be completely against a show like CBS's new reality show, Rockstar, which is the search to find a new lead singer for INXS after the death of Michael Hutchence in 1997. It's fine to want a new lead singer, but for a rock band so well-known by the sound and talent of their lead singer (U2, Smashing Pumpkins, Coldplay, etc), please change your name or change something so you don't offend fans thinking "they're trying to replace Michael Hutchence".

BUT - I am totally sucked into this show because an old friend of mine from high school who also happened to be my prom date is one of the finalists. I've written about him before, will probably write about him again, but am totally psyched to know that he's on the show and getting national exposure. In his video he even talks about "taking up music when he was 16" which was at the peak of our friendship. I'm sure he'll dedicate his first Grammy to me (HAHA). Guess who he is - pick him out, and leave a comment on my blog. I know you're out there. I know at least 5 of you read my blog and never comment.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Holy technology, Batman.

I just used Skype for the first time today. In layman's terms, it's a way for you to speak through your computer microphone to another person anywhere in the world. I think you can also use it to dial phone numbers anywhere in the world. Did I mention it's free? Not that I ever need to use this since I have unlimited local/long distance phone service, but my good friend Elizabeth is living in Germany for the summer, so I asked her to download it and give it a try. It's certainly a little bit choppy (i.e. your cell phone's average service) and you will hear your own voice come back to you from her speakers outputting the sound then treating it as input, but if you put headphones on, that takes care of that problem.

We spoke for 1/2 hour. I was completely floored. I'm such a geek.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

When's the next meal in Chicago?

Dave and I just came back from a weekend in Chicago to visit my college friends, Brett, Adrienne, Olga and Nick. We had spectacular weather the entire weekend until we departed from our gate at O'Hare yesterday. That resulted in a 2-hour delay on the tarmac. Scared-to-fly-me did surprisingly well, even with no medication. While in Chicago, we made no plans other than meals. A great Italian restaurant on Saturday night, the fatteningly-famous Original Pancake House, where everyone made fun of me for ordering 5 tiny silver-dollar pancakes, a BBQ at Brett/Ade's place on Sunday night, brunch at Tempo, a quick stop at The Taste Of Chicago, then crusty airplane snacks to top it off on the way home. We had no other plans. We didn't go sight-seeing, catch a Cubs game, or see my alma mater. It was food, friends, food, friends, food friends. And I wouldn't have changed a thing, other than moving some of my greatest friends closer to us.