Tuesday, November 29, 2005

What makes you nostalgic?

Pictures are usually the one thing I can see that bring up the strongest feelings of nostalgia, but this morning, it wasn't pictures. It was dishes. When my husband and I first started dating, he lived in a 400 sq foot studio in NYC. We both went to work during the day, met up at graduate school at night, and usually came home for dinner to his studio (I still had my own place) no earlier than 9:15PM. Our favorite meal was grilled chicken on the George Forman, which he hasn't made in years, a baked potato, and some kind of caffeinated drink to keep us awake to do our homework. We ate on these plain, cream-colored plates with a little blue trim every night. When we'd eat at my place, it was on dishes that weren't as great. When we moved in together, we had the new fortune of two sets (!) of dishes to share. For the last 6 years, I think we've used my dishes once and use his cream/blue trim dishes every night. They were pretty cheap, but in 6 years not one bowl or plate was broken.

Today I gave away those dishes. Now that we're married and finally got our wedding gifts (most of them) from Florida to NYC a year and a half later, we have a new set of dishes to use. They're really pretty, really grown up, and really not our old dishes. I have so many memories of late nights in front of the couch eating on those dishes, eating our wedding cake on our one-year anniversary using those dishes, and even cooking for friends - or should I say 'pretending to cook' - when we have rare company come over to visit.

The dishes are neatly bubble-wrapped and ready to go home with someone else. This posting is an homage to them so I don't have to physically say goodbye to them and look like a crazy person. Then again, dedicating an entire post to dishes makes me crazy as it is.

What makes you nostalgic?


Anonymous said...

I've been trying to come up with an answer to this for a few days...I guess the answer is Nutcrackers. Every year for Chanukah, my mother would buy me a new handcrafted Nutcracker (I have quite the collection) and they fill an entire shelf in my bedroom. (Yes, I know that it is funny that I got Nutcrackers for Chanukah.) Every time I see one, I can picture the spot in my bedroom where they still are (in a very specific order.) I actually wrote one of my college app essays about them.

DenimRose said...

A lot of things make me nostalgic about various things. Every now and then I say ooh, that reminds me of the time when we did this, that or the other. I cannot think of anything specific off the top of my head, but there are a lot of things that make me feel warm and swirly inside. No, you're not crazy for feeling nostalgic over some plates.

By the way, been lurking for while and getting to "know you" a bit before feeling brave enough to say hi.