Sunday, December 31, 2006

happy new year

looking forward to 2007 as i hope it brings only good changes to my life. perhaps a baby in that year, writing more good things, singing more, making more time to spend with the people in my life that i love... we're starting off the celebration at a friend's incredibly big, gorgeous, jaw-dropping apartment, complete with adorable baby (who will probably be asleep when we get there) and then off to dinner with our good friends who always provide a great night and a "so glad we met them" feeling.

wishing all of you a wonderful new year, and my resolution is what my dad has said to me ever since i was a teenager, to "make it happen".

Thursday, December 21, 2006

more 'real' writing

i am really lazy lately with the lack of capitalization, huh? i am contemplating starting a web site, both blog-oriented and more of a nyc-type that can actually make some money for me with advertisers and the like. i think i have a pretty good idea that has some legs, and we'll see what happens. i'm in the research stage so far and taking lots of notes on what i want, name ideas, competitors, etc.

that being said, i want a fresh blog start in 2007, and i may retire this blog. there are some people i told a long time ago about it, and for all i know they lurk and read my blog and rub their hands like an evil dictator (you can picture that image) and say 'muahahahaah she doesn't know i am here'. i want to start over so they can't find me. what a negative reason to start over, right? maybe the imperfect pitch name doesn't fit me as much anymore.

so, those of you that i know are very loyal readers and friends of mine (that means we communicate regularly), i'll tell you all about it. the rest of you (and you know who you are), it's been real. it's been fun. not really fun. i'm going to hell for this entry.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

asshole strikes again

i'm too pissed to dedicate proper grammar and capital letters to this post. my boss fired me. fucking fired me. why, you ask? to make a long, drawn out, and exhausting story short, my wonderful husband wound up working for him as well, creating an incredible project that was worth at least 4 times what he charged. 4 times. this is not an exaggeration; anyone in his industry would agree. the two (boss and husband) are in a somewhat of an e-mail battle over terms. my ex-boss, who i thought was professional enough to keep my job separate from my husband's, was not. his email fired me (what a jerk. grow some balls and do it over the phone) saying 'we've decided to go another route'. he fired me because of tension with my husband. if i had millions of dollars to throw at a lawsuit you bet your ass i'd sue this fucker for wrongful termination, even though i was only contracted out.

it really is a blessing in disguise because there were lots of reasons to no longer work for him, with the #1 reason being he may as well have been paying me in peanuts. i'm glad i didn't write him an email out of anger once i was given the pink slip, because it would've been ugly. now i will wait a week and then tell him he has to take a video off his site that has my picture in it. karma's a bitch and it will rear its ugly head on this man soon enough.

Monday, December 04, 2006

When your boss is a liar

I am a paid freelance writer for a particular blog (one where I use my 'real' identity) and I just found out about a really deceptive, evil thing my boss did. The site I write for has several writers. I wrote a review of a place a few months ago. Last week, another writer wrote a review of the same place, so my boss basically apologized to me, saying "She didn't remember the name of the place when she pitched it to me so sorry about the mix-up". That was fine; after all, lots of places, shows, restaurants, doctors, etc get multiple reviews, but this time it just happened to be two from the same site.

I read her article. I'm looking at the pictures she chose, and they look oddly familiar. When I wrote my article, I also went to the store and took lots of pictures. Apparently I wasn't the only one who "took" pictures. This other writer stole my pictures from my article. So I confronted my boss, asking him (not accusing) if he grabbed the pictures from my article or she did. I asked him again. No response. Finally, his response was "Sorry for the lack of response regarding the pictures."

Who the FUCK writes "sorry for the lack of response" and then doesn't address it!?!? So I did a little investigating - clicking on her pictures showed the link where the images were hosted, and it's hosted on his 'parent' site for our web site. So he's either covering for her or covering for himself, but essentially stole the images I took and let her not only take credit, but excuse her from writing what I had already done. This guy is an asshole. He pays me next to nothing for great work.

I have to find new freelance writing gigs. I know I'm good enough for them and my heart is devoted to writing, but why do I stumble upon a scumbag who does this to me?

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Burnt oil and avocado mush

I've been having lots of guilt lately about how little I cook for my husband and I. My step-Mom gave me a cookbook for Hanukkah (she just sends stuff to the apartment so I open it, not knowing what it's for) and I take it as a hint. A friendly hint, but a hint. So - I've started to try recipes during the day for my lunches. That way, if they suck I don't have to be embarrassed in front of my husband and then scramble for dinner plans.

I bought an avocado the other day because I love avocados and want to make something with it. I found a recipe for pasta with an avocado cream sauce. Instead of cream I used milk so it was a bit healthier, and instead of olive oil I used sesame because I love that flavor.

The sauce turned out like vomit. It was green and mushy but not "pretty avocado" mush. It literally looked like bile and puke all combined into one. It tasted like flavorless mush and to top it all off, the pasta was finished before the sauce (the bane of my existence, getting food to all be ready at the same time), so the pasta stuck together.

I just ordered sushi. Let the guilt set in.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Who do I write for?

I started this blog about 2 years ago with the intention of writing completely anonymously: no real first name, no family member names, no way to figure out who I am unless you are REALLY bored and want to piece together 2 years of entries. I told lots of friends and ex-friends about it (yeah I'm lame I think I really do have 1-2 "ex" friends out there) and for the most part, they're the ones that read this crap I ramble about. Then there are the 3-4 strangers who read it who are some of my favorite readers.

I ask myself: who do I write this for? If I want to write about health-related issues, I'd say there are about 70% of my readers I'd be fine with them reading it. What if I want to write about girly stuff like that time of month - my guy friends who read this will really be OH so thrilled to have that kind of insight about me. What if I want to talk about a random fight with my husband - is he going to hate me for publishing that despite my anonymity (D - you know you'd be annoyed)?

Maybe I should move my blog, tell those that I'd have no filter with where it is --- and move on. Or better yet, I guess I need 'shared' and 'private' entries like they do on Livejournal, where you need approval to read the blog. Dear lord I'm bored on a Sunday night to even waste space writing about this bullshit. I guess it's better than a lame "Dear diary here is what I did today" entry.

So without any filter whatsoever, here are random thoughts of things I'd normally never say on my blog:
1) This week has been the never-ending god awful period, complete with stomach pains galore.
2) I have taken medication before just to fall asleep, knowing very well that the medication is not meant for that (like popping a Nyquil when you're healthy, only a stronger pill).
3) D and I have hung 5 shelves in the last 6 months in our apartment. Each one takes about 60-90 minutes. Each time we've hung them we've gotten into some kind of argument where one of us has to say "don't interrupt me" or "why are you raising your voice?"
4) I am going to therapy again once a week. I might not write what it's for, but I have to wear tape on my thumbs whenever I am alone. (No - I don't have Nintendo thumb or Blackberry thumb or anything like that).