Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Burnt oil and avocado mush

I've been having lots of guilt lately about how little I cook for my husband and I. My step-Mom gave me a cookbook for Hanukkah (she just sends stuff to the apartment so I open it, not knowing what it's for) and I take it as a hint. A friendly hint, but a hint. So - I've started to try recipes during the day for my lunches. That way, if they suck I don't have to be embarrassed in front of my husband and then scramble for dinner plans.

I bought an avocado the other day because I love avocados and want to make something with it. I found a recipe for pasta with an avocado cream sauce. Instead of cream I used milk so it was a bit healthier, and instead of olive oil I used sesame because I love that flavor.

The sauce turned out like vomit. It was green and mushy but not "pretty avocado" mush. It literally looked like bile and puke all combined into one. It tasted like flavorless mush and to top it all off, the pasta was finished before the sauce (the bane of my existence, getting food to all be ready at the same time), so the pasta stuck together.

I just ordered sushi. Let the guilt set in.

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