Saturday, February 12, 2005

Fondue? Fondon't?

After two crappy days of dealing with Bagel and her health problems, we found out that the test results are inconclusive. So glad we shelled out $85 for a test that either has to be re-done or now do a biopsy. They ruled out a bacterial infection, which means either a good tumor or a bad tumor are the options that are left. Oh yeah - and today's her birthday.

For Valentine's Day my husband Dave and I were supposed to go out to dinner. He looked into reservations oh, last week, which meant in NYC we were either eating in the 'burbs or on the 13th. So we opted for the 13th. Then with everything with Bagel and basically not being able to leave her alone (because she's SO sneaky about getting this thing off her that prevents her from biting/scratching the mass), we're stuck inside. Then we decided to buy fondue ingredients. Our favorite. Shocking that it's a favorite since Dave - at the ripe old age of 18 - practically blew up his parents' house by waiting for oil to boil while making fondue for his then-girlfriend. Needless to say, the kitchen was destroyed as a flame literally rolled through the room, and his little white bichon had premature grey - as in her entire body was covered in soot and smoke.

Fondue is so evil. So tasty, yet so terrible for you. One ounce of swiss cheese (yes I researched this specifically for the blog, and if you knew me - I never obsess too much about what I eat since I love food) has about 8 grams of fat. We cooked about 16 ounces of cheese, each ate half of it and dipped in bread to boot. That means I consumed about 68 grams of fat at one meal. Holy crap - my wedding dress would never fit me now. So I probably put on a pound just from tonight. That means 3500 calories have got to go. Oh and since I suck ass at exercising, it means I'll have to walk to run errands and count stairs up and down the subway as burning it off. I'll lose the pound in about 2 months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought Pierre Robert cheese the other day. Still amazing.