Wednesday, February 16, 2005

What goes around comes around.

A few years ago I found a cell phone (note: a nice cell phone) in a cab on my way home. I left it on, waited for someone to call me, and when the owner found me and his phone, I arranged for him to get it back. How nice.

Today, apparently I put my wallet back in my bag on the LIRR on my way home from a doctor's appointment. It didn't really make it into my bag. I hopped in a cab, and in front of my building panicked that my wallet was gone. I assumed the worst - it was stolen - and proceeded to dump the contents of my bag on my dining table while calling 2 of the 3 credit card companies to cancel my cards.

The phone rings. A Maryann Consiglio calls to tell me she tried calling after me on the train when she saw my wallet sitting on the seat. She looked me up (I'm SO glad I finally changed my license to the NY license after quasi-illegally having a Florida one for the last 12 years) and I got my wallet back tonight. I didn't even care about the money or credit cards or license. My wallet is one of those Filofax wallets with my entire life schedule written down. THAT's what mattered to me. Yippee!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so nice. I would flip if I lost my filofax.