Wednesday, February 09, 2005

What's in a name?

My friend Sara briefly mentioned on the phone last night that she keeps a blog, and it reminded me for the first time in 5 months, "Oh yeah - I started one of those". Right. One entry in September does not make me a blogger.

The story behind the naming of the blog. Perfect pitch was taken. A musical term to describe people who can hear any note and name it, listen to a song and instantly know what key it's in... here's a good site that links to a bunch of other good sites about perfect pitch. If you're on the main site, they sell you a product to learn perfect pitch. Bullshit. I really don't think you can learn it. And - my perfect pitch isn't always so perfect, hence, the name. In writing you also pitch stories, and since I'm not yet a famous author I guess those pitches are a bit imperfect as well (all none of them that I've actually submitted). Then I wondered how much in life is really perfect.

So - inspired by Sara, I'm making a desperate attempt to start this up again. I'm horrible at simply "letting it flow" and find myself editing each sentence as soon as it comes out. Let's keep this a short entry until I get back up to speed with this thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you keep it up regularly, you'll find that it becomes an inherent part of your daily routine. Mine is more to keep in touch with people now, but I used to write in it every day. And I feel better about myself when I do give myself 20 minutes a say to sit and write every day - it's a good way to decompress.
