Thursday, March 03, 2005

Is 28 The New 65?

My husband is getting me hooked on NPR. Yes, National Public Radio. I have temporarily put my taste in music (Kanye West, Sade, any Chopin, etc) on hold to listen to two excellent shows in the afternoon:

The Leonard Lopate Show

Right now on Radiolab they're talking about the concept of time. The concept of the show is essentially discussing a topic and using various sound bytes to illustrate a point. Apparently some artist decided to stretch Beethoven's 9th Symphony into a 24 hour performance (imagine how slow that is?!?!) to show how to us, the piece feels painfully slow, you're waiting for the musical climax and it never happens. But - what about to a hummingbird? How fast/slow would it seem to them, because they beat their wings SO fast yet in 'hummingbird' perception of time, it's normal speed.

What an awesome mindfuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
