Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Why cheap blogging sucks

I need a blog where I can have private posts instead of making everything public. The chances of certain people in this world of 6 billion plus reading my blog is not as 'slim to none' as you'd think. I've told a handful of common friends about my blog but haven't told others, knowing that I might want to bitch about them soon on this cyber-dumping space of nonsense.

I'm hitting that point right now with absolute amazement at how much people can annoy me. Staying as vague as possible for a slight fear of my oh-so-secretive blog getting out, let's just say that if you are an adult and decide to do an extracurricular activity (get your mind out of the gutter this is not a drug or sex reference), why would you be involved in it if you don't actually do the activity? Like why would you join a chorus, go to rehearsal, and not sing? I just don't get it. Especially when I'm the one teaching the music, I hate to sound like a school teacher and say "Now Susie - why didn't you do your homework"?

Maybe this cold is just getting to me. On a lighter musical note, check out MatisYahu who is this amazing Hasidic rapper who sings reggae like the best of the Jamaicans... it's incredible. Worth a watch, and no - nothing perverted or that the boss can't see.

Happy Birthday (yesterday - whoo hoo that I called her on time AND got a card in the mail) to one of my favorite lawyer friends, Grace!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will now make a plug for Livejournal.

Yes, it has silly pre-teen connotations. BUT. You can lock entries to friends-only, or different subsets of your friends, or purely private entries. Then, also, you could read MY locked entries. :)