Friday, June 03, 2005

Fat ass is around the bend

I've gained about 7 pounds since my wedding almost one year ago. I think the number of times I've been to the gym since then I can count on two hands. The gym is in my building - an elevator ride away, and I work from home. Damn am I lazy. I am continually frustrated by hurting hands battling with the desire to write in this blog every day, but I can barely get my job done!

My a cappella group has a show coming up in 8 days, and by some miracle we seem to pull ourselves together at the last minute and actually sound good. I'm finally excited after having the 'crap I hate rehearsals' attitude for the last month. I am still constantly annoyed at one woman in the group who talks INCESSANTLY every time we stop singing. It's like if she doesn't talk her head will explode. I then wonder why is it that any time I say "ok here's what we're doing next" she has to stop me and say "Wait I know you said this but what's next?" I want to tell her to (in the words of a good friend from the group) SUCK IT.

Complaints complaints complaints. Makes it tough that I married into a family whose motto is 'don't complain'. Ha.


Anonymous said...

Unless it's on your blog ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm starting a club. It's called "My Gym is in My Building and I Still Don't Go." I'm member #1. You can be member #2.