Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I have an away message on my AOL IM list that says "Blech" and it's a perfect way to describe today. It's pouring rain (Note: I grew up in FL, home to torrential downpours and can't tell you the last time I saw this) so it makes today even more 'blech'. There is a ton of tension in my a cappella group and I've been told by almost everyone that I have caused it. I tried bringing something up that directly affected one person, even told her blatantly in an e-mail that I would be bringing it up, and the roof basically caved in on me. She said we weren't going to discuss it and I wasn't about to print out the e-mail where I said we were. I was accused of all of these things which weren't true but wanted to stick to the topic at hand, so I wasn't prepared to say 'that's not true let me show you the e-mail that proves otherwise'. So guess who is the bad guy now?

I used to believe in the adage that you get out of something what you put into it. So why is it that in a group of 13 people, when I put in the most effort, I am the one that has to leave to make things work? You know that feeling when you throw-up a little in your mouth (I love that image)? Imagine feeling that way. A lot.

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