Friday, February 11, 2005

Aural Torture

Listening to a dog cry has to be one of the worst sounds imaginable. My dog isn't hurt, she's not in any pain, so that should be comforting, right? Wrong. She has this stupid cone on her head (I call it "funnel face" because it looks just like that) so she doesn't scratch or bite at this mass on her leg, and apparently she thinks this cone has magical powers to paralyze her. She refuses to walk with the cone on. I can put cream cheese (doggie heaven for her) on my finger in front of her face, try to lure her towards me, and she won't move.

It's so frustrating to try and get work done. Each whimper is a "hey Mom look how sad I am get this freakin' thing off me" or "look how big and sad I can make my eyes! I can even make my bottom lip tremble for you." I even put smooth jazz music on (yes we're dorks, we put that music on for her when she's home alone to soothe her - she told us it's better than rap or that pop rock kids put out today), and nothing helps. Oh wait - she just sat up, that's a good sign, she DOES realize she can move.

Working from home has it's ups and downs. It's certainly an 'up' to be able to be with Bagel (oh yes - that's her name) but a down to listen to this whining. It's nice to be able to make your own hours, but so easy to get distracted. It gets lonely. Makes you feel like the world is going by, doing its own thing, and you're at a bit of a stand-still.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right - your dog really is your baby, and not just because you have a diaper genie thing for her.

On the other hand, at least you're not a cat lady. :)