Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bye bye, crappy neighborhood

It's almost official; official enough that I can announce it to my quasi-readers of the blog... we are moving. For those who don't live in NYC, it's hard to explain the varying neighborhoods in the city that change from block to block, and even harder to explain the craziness that is Manhattan real estate. What I can honestly say is, for the last 4 years, my husband and I have lived in one of the most awful neighborhoods out there. Let me rescind that comment, somewhat - it's not awful as in "gunshots and unsafe" but awful as in we have to walk 10 minutes to get to the nearest grocery store, bank or anything remotely civilized. Ooh wait - we do have a giant Fed Ex distribution center near us, we have a condo going up across the street, and the 1/2 block piece of land next to us is contaminated so that's under construction to clean it as well (think Erin Brockovich). We're on the river which in most cities would be wonderful, but for us it means a perpetual wind tunnel and highway traffic.

So, goodbye Falun Gong protestors that sit outside our building every day and try to shove pamphlets at us, goodbye 15 minute commute just to get to the nearest subway, goodbye delivery people that don't know where I live when I tell them the cross street is the highway, goodbye nasty construction workers who sadly fill the stereotype of "hoots and hollerers"... but there are some things I will miss: our amazing gym, quiet sidewalks at any time of day, easy access to the highway when we do actually escape the city. Yeah, that's about all I'll miss.

I can't believe I will actually be able to sing "We're movin' on up - to the east side" since we actually are. No moving date yet but I was too excited to contain myself.

1 comment:

Jaxon S said...

i would say, all the best to both of you in the new neighbourhood [we spell it this way here :-)] and yeah, moving out is always as exciting as moving in to a new place.